OmniRom Beta for Android makes for an awesome weekend project


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Have you found that perfect comfy spot after the food coma wore off, and now you’re stuck looking for something to do? You might consider giving OmniRom a try, at least if you’re the brave sort who likes trying out new Android ROMs on your phone.

If you’ve ever wondered how big the Android modding scene is, you need look no further than the list of available third-party ROMs. Either ever single hardcore Android nerd has their own ROM, or there are a lot of people out there who enjoy playing with their phones. There’s ROMs in every shape and size, from tweaks to CyanogenMod to crazy-themed monsters that look like something you’d design in MS Paint. Amidst the noise there’s a new ROM being assembled by some of the veterans in the Android scene. It’s called OmniRom, and if you’re in the mood for something new it’s certainly worth checking out.

The team responsible for this project is absolutely bent on taking every cool feature from anywhere and everywhere and using it to build the most feature complete ROM possible. The idea is that this will be community driven perfection when it is done, and while that’s certainly possible with the right guidance these guys still have a long way to go. Still, there’s some really cool ideas being used here and the ROM is based on Android 4.4 now so you’ll be right there on the bleeding edge as long as you have one of the currently supported devices.

In a way, OmniRom is the ultimate Android tweaker ROM. It’s designed to be as inclusive as possible, and built by some really smart guys that have been doing this for more than a little while. OmniRom is scooping up things like ActiveDisplay from the Moto X, split apps from Samsung, PIE launcher from ParanoidAndroid, and throwing in more than a couple of their own tricks. Their most recent update includes card-style incomming calls that don’t take up the whole screen and interrupt whatever you’re doing, because making phone calls is way down on the list of things you use a smartphone for anyways right?

OmniRom is free, it looks like a lot of fun, and it’s built from the Android Open Source Project. If you find yourself in need of something else, it’s just as easy to flash away from OmniRom as it was to flash it in the first place. Be sure to check out their Wiki for any additional instructions regarding your device, and happy flashing!
