My application to DM



Mr Kaloo

I got my level 20 yesterday in lone wolves and now i'd like to get into the clan and play some team games with people who i can communicate properly with rather than trying to co ordinate people who i can only presume have the mental age of five year olds or are infact... five year olds.

Im online right now so if someone wants to send me a friend request im happy to try out as soon as possible.

GT = Mr Kaloo



if ur talking about halo 3 our current commander is gone till Jan. 7th so im afraid you'll have to wait till then.


Mr Kaloo

if ur talking about halo 3 our current commander is gone till Jan. 7th so im afraid you'll have to wait till then.
awwwh man i guess i'll wait then. :dry:
until then can i at least get some of you guys to add me on h3?
im dying to get some team slayer/skirmish on the go but i hate going in on my own.

GT = Mr Kaloo



well, im gettin my live hooked up Saturday but im getting cod4 so i can still add u to my friends list.