Geekout 39: The post-holiday, pre-CES episode


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News By Russell Holly Jan. 2, 2014 5:31 pm
If you were dragged back into the office today by some invisible force that tried to convince you to be a responsible adult, take a few minutes and join us in our weekly Geekout.
The largest consumer electronics showcase in the US is less than a week away, and most companies are starting to leak out what might be coming from the show. If you’re interested in large, expensive televisions or smartwatches and fitness bands from every possible manufacturer out there, be sure to stay tuned. There’s bound to be much more interesting things than that, but it’ll take a little while to sort through the cloud of exciting items to find the real gems. The Consumer Electronics Show is upon us, like a starter pistol for the tech race in 2014.
If you’re just now digging into the next-gen consoles, or you’re still trying to decide whether you want the expensive blue box or the expensive green box, James and I took a few minutes to talk about our experiences so far with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. They are both great consoles in their own right, but the lack of great launch titles and the feeling that we lost features when moving from the previous generation to the next generation makes it hard to justify the purchase as an impulse. There’s also some recent concern over video quality issues from streaming services on the Xbox One that has yet to be addressed by Microsoft. Still, there’s a lot to be excited about overall.
If you’ve been following Google Glass but haven’t made the purchase yet, it’s probably because you are either waiting for the price to come down to a more reasonable level or you were waiting for the hardware to support those of us who already wear life improving hardware on our faces. A recent comment made by Rochester Optical*suggests that we’ve only got a few precious weeks to wait until some form of vision correction support for Google Glass will be available. We don’t have a ton of details yet, but at $99 it is easy to get excited.
Our App of the Week is what happens when an incredibly popular mobile game decides to make some extra dough by partnering with another popular thing. We’ve seen this behavior before with Temple Run: Brave, but that pales in comparison to Ski Safari: Adventure Time. A totally reskinned Ski Safari brings you into the world of Adventure Time, where you mush slide your way out of danger for as long as you can. All of your favorite characters have made an appearance, and while you can’t avoid giant rocks by putting on a Jake suit, there’s plenty of tricks out there for you.
If you’ve got a topic you’d like us to discuss on our Geekout, or questions for us during a live broadcast, leave us a message here or on the*Google+ page.
