Battlefield 4 player appreciation month in February


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Players will get battlepacks every day in February, plus weapon shortcuts, and more.

DICE has announced a Battlefield 4 “player appreciation” month for the month of February. As a “thank you” from DICE to all Battlefield 4 players, the player appreciation month will include free Battlepacks, community missions, and more.
For the month of February, players will get a free bronze or silver Battlepack every day. All they have to do is to login to the game. Battlepacks include weapon unlocks, camouflage options, XP boosts, and more.
Furthermore, DICE will give players a shortcut bundle: all players will unlock all Battlefield 4 pistols and all grenades. Premium players will get two additional shortcuts: all DMRs and shotguns will be unlocked as well.
DICE will also be running a double XP weekend for all players in February. Finally, DICE will launch community missions, where players have to work together to reach a certain milestone in order to unlock a gold battlepack.
The final bit of news — and perhaps the best news — is that DICE is working hard to fix the netcode, which will be patched in an update released in February as well.
While all this is a great gesture, we’d still prefer patches instead of Battlepacks. Or maybe a free map or two as a token for all the trouble we’ve had to go through.
