Apple is designing iPhone docks that could make Siri much more useful


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Apple By Lee Mathews Dec. 5, 2013 4:35 pm
Apple usually keeps its iOS accessory offerings pretty simple: sync cables, chargers, video adapters. More complex creations they’re happy to leave to the innumerable companies that churn out third-party add-ons for iPhones and iPads.
A new Apple patent application, however, shows off an accessory that’s decidedly un-Apple. It’s a docking station that’s designed to enable hands-free use of devices while they’re connected — ostensibly with Siri.
This is more than just a plastic stand and a 30-pin or Lightning connector. It’s a complete base unit with an integrated microphone and speaker that can wake the dock device up whenever it receives a voice command.
Normally you’ve got to hold in the home button or physically raise an iPhone or iPad to use Siri, but that’s not always convenient when you’re charging. A dock like this that’s always listening would be quite helpful, since you wouldn’t have to reach across your desk or roll over while you’re half asleep and fumble around in the dark to get Siri to respond to your commands.
There’s plenty of wiggle room in Apple’s application as to what form these docks could actually take. It states that one of these smart iOS docks would (rather obviously) have a housing of some sort and can also feature hardware buttons to control various functions and a display — possibly even a touchscreen. That kind of wording covers everything from clock radios to in-vehicle docks.
With the company doing deals with car makers to integrate Siri support, patent licensing for a dock system like this could generate a decent amount of revenue for Apple should the patent actually be granted. It’s hard to imagine Apple’s goal being to actually build a device like the one shown, but this could be an attempt to control who’s building (and profiting from) Siri-compatible docks.
Now read: Apple patents shoe tech that tells you to buy new shoes
