
  1. R

    OD vs DM (2 wars)

    1st war OD Ov3rDoSe OD DuStED OD ShRoOmMnN OD TrouBLe vs DM Cyclone DM om3Ga DM H4zArD DM 1Killer3 1st Game: OD Wins 5-0 2nd Game: OD Wins 3-1 OD Wins 2nd war OD Ov3rDoSe OD TrouBLe vs DM NightFall DM Cyclone 1st Game: OD Wins 3-0 2nd Game: OD Wins 3-0 OD Wins GG's
  2. RizZaHReCToR

    Scheduling Wars...

    Alright so its getting kinda dull in MoHH2 and MoHH1, so i think the only way to keep things interesting is we gotta start scheduling more WARS! i can only play so many games for the sake of "ranking up". Im eager to engage in BIG wars...not just petty 2v2s and 3v3s... and with all of our...
  3. RizZaHReCToR

    DM in Star Wars: Renegade Squadron

    yeah so i got this game a couple days ago, and i really like it. I'm not doing so hot online, but I'm sure I'll get better. i know Dman, Maou, and Jesse have it. If any other DM has this game, let me know. We'll rep DM in a whole other game. But you gotta tag like this [DM] I don't...
  4. DM Morbid

    bringing back fun guns to wars

    im sick and tired of ''no gew'' and ''no sg nub''.......so, me n my fellow FLs r bringing back these fun guns, like the olds days, so u can bitch about it and wht not, but i dont gotta play by your rules, not tht i think u all will bitch about it,bcuz im sure som of u will enjoy it as much as i am
  5. D

    Should DM expand into Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars?

    Should DM expand into Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars?This is a great RTS-Game and I played a lot of the C&C Games I would like for to expand into this game and build up our empire.And for people that never heard of it, C&C 3 is a MUST-HAVE GAME!! I have it for PC, they also have it for X-Box...
  6. Royal1Wun

    Guild Wars vs. World of Warcraft

    YcWXL8jpFGs nP6jEYQgs2c
  7. V

    Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron First Trailer!!!!!

    FIRST TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!! 24II7Uy68W8:rolleyes: And heres an interview with some guy that looks official LOL. It has some actual gameplay, I think this vid is better than the trailer. Feast your eyes my Rebels!!!! Down with the Empire!!!!! We will destroy it!!!!! Who is with...