
  1. RizZaHReCToR

    Official DM Sign?

    i think its time we decided on an OFFICIAL Dm sign. a symbol that represents DM. like the yankee's interlocking NY, or the McDonalds golden arch. there are a few threads out there showcasing DM art, and i think we should choose one as the Dm symbol. i just want something that would be...
  2. D

    The Official Collage Football Thread

    Hello and welcome to the opfficial collage football thread. im will asnwer all your collage football questions as i am THE OFFICIAL COLLAGE FOOT BALL FORUM ANYILIST.
  3. A

    TS vs DM (the official one)

    TS and DM have agreed upon a time and date for the war. It will be on Sunday, July 29th at 8est, 7 central and 5 pacific. It is an 8v8. Both clans will post their rosters for the war in here once theyre set. If someone cannot make it, make sure u have backups ready... MORE INFO COMING
  4. E

    Official Resignation.

    Well...I'm quitting DM, for a few reasons...heres why 1: I hardly play MoHH anymore, and I'm not as good as I use to be and I dont wanna be repin the clan if I'm not doing my best. 2: I play Xbox live...ALOT...not very much Halo 2, so maybe when Halo 3 comes out I'l be back here trying out for...
  5. DemonKing

    Official DM Clan and site movie

    this has everything in it including pics and the full DM roster. xyNkyj7H_BU
  6. DM Morbid

    ST is DM's official worst enemy

    i fuckin hate these guys, they think they *tied DM*......but here is the whole thing: STquikiller is aka ARquikiller and was leader of AR. But wen he was leader of AR DM kingHost recruted him into DM. Once i noticed DMquikiller i cut him from DM. He was pissed at me, and AR wudnt let him b...