
  1. x_TheBear_x

    How fast did you prestige?

    Well, I have done it. I prestiged after having the game for 4 days. #nolifeswag haha jk, but I had tons of fun doing this, I'm going to upload some videos of my pwnage later but I want to know how fast all of you prestiged.
  2. DM Viktomize

    Do You Want to See the Fast Five? There you go. The quality isn't great and at times some of the people are cut off from the screen but, it's the whole movie. Your welcome.
  3. D

    how fast is ur pc connection?

    k so if u go to it will give ur ur dl and ul speeds of ur connection. then when its done click copy next to forum link and paste here
  4. DM Blazer

    Fast and Furious 4 trailer

    i was just looking around and saw this trailer :rearshock: