Recent content by DM Penrod

  1. DM Penrod

    Favorite MW2 Classes

    WA2000: Silienced, FMJ USP: Silenced, Tactical Knife Stopping Power Pro Savenger Pro Not sure what I have for the next perk. Harrier Strike Chopper Gunner Nuke Last Stand
  2. DM Penrod

    I'mma Quit Smoking... Cigarettes that is.....

    My Mom smoked when I was in the woom :cry: Now I have C.F.(Cystic Fybrosis)
  3. DM Penrod

    Halo 3 Reqruitment Requirments

    I want to tryout still, are there any commanders on today?
  4. DM Penrod

    Wanna try out for DM

    Good luck Randy, hope you get in.
  5. DM Penrod

    Scariest videos you can find on youtube.

    Ok so this is just for fun. Try looking at this one
  6. DM Penrod

    Offensive to Your Profession?

    It pisses me off when people tell me i'm too small or too young to do shit. Now i have cystic fybrosis( if any of you know that diesease) and I can't grow normally, but i still act my age. I can beat any varsity basketball player at my high school in basketball any day. And they still won't let...
  7. DM Penrod

    The CPT's Camping Trip

    that looks fun cpt
  8. DM Penrod

    Would You Rather Game

    Arm cut off slowly, I would be knocked out lol Hmm.. would you rather boink your mom or give your dad a blowjob?
  9. DM Penrod

    Would You Rather Game

    splintery stick would you rather be def and can't talk or blind and can't feel things?
  10. DM Penrod

    Happy B-Day Cpt!

    Happy B DAY CPT!!!!!! Get you some :dance9bh::dance9bh:
  11. DM Penrod

    DM member Theme Songs

    Mine - ::head bang::head bang
  12. DM Penrod

    Georgia Aquarium Video

    Cool stuff, your lucky to have a step dad like him.
  13. DM Penrod

    wat would you b doin if there was no video games

    I'd prolly have better grades, be more active, you know all the shit that could be better in my life. Oh well, video games are too kickass to just throw away. But I would most likely be drawing still.
  14. DM Penrod

    Favorite Band(s)?

    Metallica Puddle of Mudd Seether Staind Disturbed What's yours? :dance9bh::dance9bh:
  15. DM Penrod

    Im looking for a new Job

    I need to start searching for one. Gah!