Video shows the “simultaneous kills” problem in Battlefield


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A new video shows the extent of the problem with "simultaneous kills" in the game.

By now you’ve probably experienced the “simultaneous kill” problem in Battlefield 4, where two players appear to kill each other instantly. Obviously, there is a chance for a genuine simultaneous kill when players fire their weapons at the exact same time, but that’s rarely the case.

The problem with the simultaneous kills in Battlefield 4, as the video above shows, is that they can happen even long after one of the players is dead. In the video above, the player kills the enemy and gets a confirmed kill, while still being at 100 health.

What happens next is definitely not supposed to happen: the “dead” enemy manages to kill the player. As you can guess, this is the result of the recent Battlefield 4 netcode problems.
The video perfectly illustrates the problem in slow motion: the player has a confirmed kill, still with 100 health, and yet, somehow, the dead player manages to kill him.

It’s one of the more frustrating netcode problems Battlefield 4 faces. DICE has previously said that the netcode is top priority, and they’re currently working on a PC patch. Hopefully it involves a few fixes for issues like these.
