Requesting to join the clan




Hey i have met all the requirements i am on at least a couple hours a day, i have achieved a rank of 34 i think or was it 33 one of those 2, I have not been in a halo clan at all. I am a very good player already gotten all my skulls and the armor the 2nd day halo 3 was out due to my free time haha so yea im already set still working on getting the sword tho so if ya all can help with that sometime it'd be cool.

I am 19 yrs of age very soon to be 20 and i am a mature adult even tho i still have fun. My gamer tag is Necrucifer i dont clan hop at all. Take AA for instant been in the same clan in that game for 2 years and never left i am in one on vegas that me and my bro created and am still loyal enough to stay. I dont have a bad rep on xbox and i was preferred by 90% of the people i have played with. Got a headset, i got msn if needed to be contact and i got a cell so no big