Simulating drowning in a web browser is surprisingly effective


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News By Matthew Humphries Apr. 23, 2014 12:21 pm
147,251 participants have already drowned. That’s the last thing I read after losing the battle to survive and drowned myself in the very effective interactive web advertisement created by CLM BBDO.
The website is called Sortie En Mer and consists of a short video of a man falling overboard while his inexperienced friend sails off into the distance with no clue how to stop the boat. What follows is a lot of mouse scrolling on your part in an attempt to keep the version of you on screen afloat. It doesn’t end well and I only lasted 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

The point of the advert is to promote the use of a life jacket when out on the open water. You get tired quickly when fully clothed in a choppy sea and freezing temperatures. Unless someone gets to you fast, your chances of survival go down quickly. With a life jacket, you have much better odds of making it back to dry land.
What the advert does well is involve you in the experience. You fight for survival, the first-person viewpoint puts you in the situation, and you will come away feeling a little fatigued when eventually you drown. It certainly stays with you afterwards, and that’s the whole point. It’s also a rare instance of the interactive nature of the web being put to good use to advertise a product. High production values help, too.
The interactive experience is best viewed full screen and wearing headphones. I recommend everyone has a go and sees how long they can survive.
