Geekout 45: World Cup Robots, Titanfall post-mortem, and tiny blood vessel camer


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News By Russell Holly Feb. 20, 2014 4:31 pm
We’re less than a week away from the biggest international mobile event of the year, so we made sure to talk about everything but smartphones and tablets today. Welcome to Geekout!
The Titanfall beta has come and gone, and this past weekend showed that this game is going to be a huge deal for the Xbox One. Tons of people joined up to play, and the game was rock solid for most of them. There’s clearly a huge discrepancy between the PC and Xbox One experiences right now, but everything is winding up for the March launch to be utterly flawless. Now that it’s gone, the urge to play unfinished games lingers. Fortunately, a trailer for Wolfenstein: The New Order revealed a beta*for the upcoming Doom title, which provides us with its own list of reasons about which to be either excited or disappointed.
Brazil has added 30 robots to the task force responsible for keeping everyone safe during the World Cup this year, and iRobot is the company supplying the hardware. The infamous PackBots are a distant cousin to the Roomba you might know iRobot for, but these tough little machines are more than capable of getting the job done. Take a look at our breakdown of the details for more on these fun little machines, but don’t bother trying to buy one.
The idea of Nanobots in our body gets closer and closer to reality as researchers assemble a 1.5mm device for taking pictures inside your blood vessels. The mini Ultrasound transmitter is a huge step forward for the medical community, and is nearing animal testing phases soon.
Our app of the week lets you sort out the best place to get together with a friend from across town or multiple states away. Meet Me Halfway is a simple Android app that lets you punch in two addresses and reveal a list of results for locations that are right in the middle of the two. It’s simple, effective, and takes advantage of the full screen APIs in Android 4.4.2 so it looks really nice as well. Meet Me Halfway is a free app*in its beta stages, but it’s more than stable enough to try for yourself.
If you have a topic you’d like us to discuss on our Geekout, or questions for us during a live broadcast, leave us a message here or on the Google+ page.
