
  1. DM OldmanJenkins


    I swear man, if your not voting for him and your of age to vote, you must really not like freedom and peace, this is the man that could save the frikkin country from the hell hole bush and obama has turned it into. And people are finally waking up, this guys the only one who really had the...
  2. Blokhead

    R.I.P. Paul Gray

    Today is an unfortunate day for Slipknot fans. Paul Gray a.k.a. #2, the bassist from Slipknot, was found dead today :crying: Taken from MTV News: May he rest in peace, and my deepest condolences for his wife. Gray and his wife were expecting a child as well. :sad: Please don't post any...
  3. DM God§ H3®o

    Incredible move by Chris Paul

    Haha he "youtubed" J.T. Full Story:,146324 Tyson Chandler was left impressed: "Incredible. He made one of the best moves I’ve ever seen in my life — on an NBA player. I was at halfcourt...