
  1. DM Morbid

    Awesome Photo Edit

    My friend dislikes this slutty girl that goes to SUNY Fredonia. So, he asked me to turn Ps into a weapon and edit a picture of her. Original: Edited: Thought you guys might find this entertaining XD
  2. X

    My edit Update

    Gaza i will edit that dudes gameplay.. and this is going to be funny and such a fail this is the worst quality i have ever seen my gameplay tho http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q2bdowmqJk
  3. Morb

    Cool before/after edit by morby

    Picture of Morb: Before shot, i was super drunk at a denny's, the spoon was appealing After, the spoon is now my eye :) Morb's friend's status: Before After I thought the facebook status change was pretty funny :) If you ever want anything like that done, its...
  4. D

    another quick video edit

    I just appriciated the work I did on this i thought it looked nice, and its a good way to test out the new HD 720 option http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbMuI87MEBk
  5. D

    Michigan Cod4 Edit

    watch in 480p: so i got bored and made this from old clips and started playing cod4 again. i think the editing is better than before. BTW ITS STILL PROCESSING RIGHT NOW WAIT FOR THE QUALITY TO IMPROVE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8loVJNeKgDY
  6. D

    another smexy edit

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq1kH4Vvnmk oifpodsl;kfdlkjfdjafkdl;fjadllj;g;ldfjgl;dfsgjoi;lfduglxjlxdvkmgb;kjvcbl;pvjc;bljvxb;lkvcjb;uvxchboidfhbl;kfdjgoipudfhgopifdhgboudrhgfiupsdhfoiusdhfiojsgdfoiusdgfoiudsyfisduyafiusfduhffddfghdfhghgrefdgdfhdfhdfhgsfdhfdhd
  7. DM KNIGHTParikh

    epic edit test (My version =)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ResKpxsgJ0 Don't pay attention to gameplay but rather the music sync.
  8. DM phreaK

    A Small and Bad Edit of Mine.

    Ive been trying some editing out with my Pirated Version of Sony Vegas. If you guys have anything from a CapCard, like good frags and stuff I can edit it for you like I do for mine. Just let me know by way of a PM. This sint anything special, i have more on my page but its just little stuff not...