
  1. D

    I need help ASAP!

    I have to present a poem tomorrow, and I need help on what to write. I am... I am... I am... 4 abstract Ideas I am... I am... I am... I am... 4 concrete Ideas I am... I am... I am... I am... 4 abstract and concrete Ideas I am... Really I am... Really I am...
  2. O

    BAWNG! post asap

    Which bong should I get? its really hard for me to choose: Bong 1: Bong 2: Bong 3:
  3. S

    SolKatti for DM (wants to tryout asap)

    I'm SolKatti (also gamertag) and i just turned 16 two days ago. My name is Steven but you can call me Steve... I play team doubles with a skill level of 39 (40 is getting annoying to get), and im a major with hayabusa armor (woot my fav >.<) I'm very social and i work goood with teammates. I'll...