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  1. DM C0br4

    DM v LL

    late last night Dm C0br4 Vz LL sunlight LL nubhunt3r 1st round DM-3 LL-2 2nd round(i pwned) DM-3 LL-1
  2. DM C0br4

    DM v VF

    Me patriot VZ VF Vanquash VF Feelers(steelers) 1st rnd. Dm-2 VF-3 2nd rnd Dm-3 VF-2 3rd rnd(they started to hack i know it) VF-3 DM-2 DM4L ;)
  3. DM C0br4

    DM v RN

    DM4L C0br4, Young vs Rn AirAction] R4W WamOssEe 1 rnd RN-3 Dm-2 2nd round Dm-3 Rn2 3rd round the falstarted but won, so it didnt count DM4L;)
  4. DM C0br4

    Me Scootering

    Im pretty good
  5. DM C0br4

    tourettes guy
  6. DM C0br4

    My Bro and CUz
  7. DM C0br4

    Awesome band
  8. DM C0br4

    HIGHLARIOUS!!!! funniest thingi think i have seen in awhile :doublefuckyou:all u h8ers
  9. DM C0br4


    I cant get on for a week cuz we're moving so c ya and pce to all DM:ohmy: