Search results

  1. DM FoCuS

    hey guys!

    hey guys its focus! wow its been a while! well me and my friends have a video on youtube we need as many views as possible if you could watch it its sweet! and its real! please rate 5 stars! you guys are still my brothers! thanks for watching and there is more to come...
  2. DM FoCuS

    what is up

    Hey guys, wow it's been a while, just checkin up on you shit heads :p How's everyone doing?
  3. DM FoCuS

    Focus Has an announcment

    Hey guys you may hate me for this or not but i'm selling my 360. I've always wanted to get into graphic design and video editng and i'm getting a mac and the only way i can is to sell my 360. I'm so sorry for letting you guys down but i feel i need to move away from the 360 and work more towards...
  4. DM FoCuS

    xbox live gamertags

    ok guys i created account called DM4L on xbox live that is going to work as a friends hub. instead of having to delete your friends for new ones you can have on friend and ALL DM members. just look on that accounts f/l and you can see everything. i need EVERYONE with a gamertag in DM to send a...
  5. DM FoCuS

    FuZiOn's box ix back

    thats right, i'm ready for you guys. i can now do tryouts and fully fufill my duty as commander. THANK GOD
  6. DM FoCuS

    halo 3, 2, or 1

    well, another simple poll. halo 3, halo 2, or halo 1 which one you like the best and why
  7. DM FoCuS

    sniper or smg

    this is just a poll cause i'm bored, smg or sniper? and why
  8. DM FoCuS

    the DM site turns one year old!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations i would just like to thank DM SHAD0W a.k.a the best website designer EVER! cheers to another yeer people and to the memories. lets double, no triple the amount of members we have now in the following year. DM4L
  9. DM FoCuS

    OFFICIAL halo 3 requirements and tryout information

  10. DM FoCuS


    ok i've talked about this with some guys in our halo 3 clan. i was wondering do you guys want to make a halo 3 clan montage. if people have a capture card we could put cod4 in there maybe. i know toxic has vegas and he could edit the whole thing, i'm going to make my own personal montage i know...
  11. DM FoCuS

    dm vs r4w halo 3

    this is game 1 of the 5 game match on halo 3 a little while back, geevee is down so this is the only one i can get for right now thats the url, i will have the vid on the site later game 2...
  12. DM FoCuS

    red rings of death

    hey guys thats right. i got the red rings of death so no halo 3 for about 4 weeks. i would tell you who i'm leaving commandership for but that is up to shadow to decide. practices will still continue at 7 (central) thursday and 7 (central) sunday nights. i will be on the site alot and always in...
  13. DM FoCuS

    must read if you want a tryout

    my gamertag is DM FuZiOn (all letters). when you contact me about tryouts in xbox live SEND ME A MESSAGE. not a game invite first. i get tons of game invites and i don't know who they are so if you send me a message saying dm tryout i will be with you as fast as a can on xbox live. but don't...
  14. DM FoCuS

    New Halo 3 Commander.

    Hey guys, this is showdown. some of you might remember me as the halo 2 commander? well now i have been given the commandership for halo 3. With everdream leaving with no notice linster gave me the commandership. i promise i won't let you down and i'll do anything that makes the clan better as a...
  15. DM FoCuS

    hey guys

    hey guys i just wanted to say that i probably should be back after christmas in case anyone was wondering.... keep up the good work i can't wait to play with you guys again in halo 3.... showdown out
  16. DM FoCuS


    i will be gone for 12 days straight guys. i have a world series baseball tourney and i have a cruise.. keep up the good work in halo 2 and make me proud and own some N()()Bs for me. today will be the last day i'm on so if you wanna get owned... come get some. but yeah i'll be gone for 12 days so...
  17. DM FoCuS

    Sweet Strats

    episode one mL-m6iyNamc episode two part 1 0MRAsZkeK0Y&mode=related&search= episode two part 2 O9YXKnyRMB0&mode=related&search= episode 3 q7w1UwTKOtw&mode=related&search= episode 4 fPyK8jhw2Yc&mode=related&search=
  18. DM FoCuS

    HALO PRACTICE* weekday or weekend?

    we will start off with one day a week. see how it goes so here
  19. DM FoCuS

    halo clan is blowinnnn up!!!!!

    when shadow left i knew recruitment would probably be slow.. but me and panic stepped it up a notch and got you could say a recruiting spree... we get bigger everyday!!! PM ME TO TRY OUT
  20. DM FoCuS

    me or panic in 1v1? (halo)

    yep.. it's going down today vote who you think will win.. i am 14-0 in 1v1 and i have no clue about panic.