EA Being Investigated by Law Firm & Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag DLC Release D


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Console: Headset:
We make sure you know everything there is to know about Fallout 4, because it's happening! In less exciting news there's a chance EA may be getting sued and sales predictions for the Wii U console are looking grim. To make it all better we announce two new release dates for two awesome games and provide you gift ideas for your loved ones.
Here's what we covered:
Leaked script pages have been found and reveal the game is currently in production. What were some of the dead giveaways?
What EA is being investigated for.
This according to a new*market research report. How does it fair in comparison with other consoles?
Play as Edward Kenway's first mate Adewale on December 17th.
Fable fans everywhere will be happy with what they've done with this updated version of the game — and it comes chock-full of stuff!
A detailed categorized list of last minute geeky gift ideas for your friends and family!
