AC4 Dev: Current Gen Development Was "Nightmarish"


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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag just released this week for current gen consoles, while the PS4 and Xbox One versions have a little longer to wait. Although the game is reportedly running well on both generations, a Ubisoft employee suggests that similarities in development were few and far between.
"Development on both [next gen] consoles was very smooth, since they are both very similar to PCs," community developer Gabe Graziani said in a recent Reddit thread. "Last generation was very difficult, even nightmarish.
"Both Xbox One and PS4 were very easy to deal with and the [first parties] were both there to help us out."
Graziani said that, while there were a few kinks while Sony and Microsoft both tried to figure out their own "requirements" for their respective consoles, the development transition to next-gen was "super smooth" overall.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag releases November 12 and November 19 for the PS4 and Xbox One, respectively.
Mike Mahardy is a freelance writer for various outlets, and is currently waiting for the PS4 version of AC4. To help him pass the time until then, you can follow Mike on Twitter.
